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11-November 4, 2009
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, November 4, 2009 6:30 PM, Memorial City Hall

Present: Anthony Bartolotta, Anne McCarthy, Sam Giangreco, John Breanick

Absent: Christopher DeProspero, Allen Zentner, Frank Reginelli

Staff:  Stephen Selvek, Sr. Planner; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel

Absent: Tom Weed, APD; Brian Hicks, Code Enforcement

The Chair calls the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance is recited and roll is called.

Agenda Item 1:  Minutes of October 6, 2009
There is not a quorum to vote on the minutes and are therefore tabled until the next meeting.

Agenda Item 2: PUBLIC HEARING: Community Development Block Grant 2010 – 2014 Consolidated Plan and 2010 – 2011 Action Plan: This public hearing will provide an opportunity to comment on the plans and priorities of the plans. Crystal Purcell, Community Development Program Manager.

Crystal Purcell presents the CDBG Action Plan (attached below)

Chair invites the public for comments. (none)

Chair asks Board for comments.

Anne McCarthy – asks what level income is low/mod

Crystal Purcell – 80% of the area median income ranges from a single person making 32,000 per year and a family of four making 47,000 per year.

Chair closes the public hearing.

Agenda Item 3: PUBLIC HEARING: City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan: This public hearing will provide an opportunity to comment on the plan and the goals of the plan. Stephen Selvek, Senior Planner.

Stephen Selvek – reviews aspects of plan spoken of in previous meetings.

Chair invites the public for comments.

Connie Riley of BID – thanks Staff for putting together such an effective tool to move ahead into the future. Glad to see focus on downtown.

Chair closes the public hearing and asks the Board for comments.

John Breanick – questions the sidewalk issue.

Stephen Selvek – Council has voted a moratorium pertaining to the current ordinance following concerns by citizens until this could be flushed out. Community members have voiced desire for a walkable community that would require sidewalks.

Anne McCarthy – questions feedback from last meeting.

Stephen Selvek – concern is to continue focusing on neighborhoods and quality of life.

Anthony Bartolotta – as a member of the advisory board know how much work went into this and looks forward to presenting it to Council

Sam Giangreco – this has come a long way and is a City to be proud of. Quality of life is becoming very nice. Thanks to all involved. A good plan that should go forward to Council.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.  Motion for adjournment made by Anne McCarthy, seconded by Anthony Bartolotta. All members vote approval.  Meeting adjourned.   

Recorded by Alicia McKeen

11 4 09 CDBG presentation.pdf